Saturday 16 April 2011

i heart London

Stop. Look. Smell. Breathe. Yes i'm right, i'm in London after three weeks of craziness, i have landed safe and sound. Before i knew it i found myself booking my flight to London and was told i was going for six months. It's London i mean who wouldn't be excited okay yes the weather isn't the nicest at times but i have come while the sun is meant to show it's face and bring some lovely weather.

In kingston with some delightful friends having a picnic.

For me London is one of the most romantic places, it sucks not having a boyfriend to hold your hand while sipping a starbucks and walking along the Thames River. It's full of history and life. So many different little places to go and discover and dream and look at and smell and ah i just love it. Please excuse me while i express some feelings while writing, just bare with me.

Thames river.

So if you don't know already, i love and will always love railways and trains. Don't ask why i do but i do. I guess you could say that i'm in heaven at the moment, as the public transport is unbelievably amazing because wherever you want to go you either take a train, tube or catch the bus OR you lucky enough to have a car.

Top shop, Jack Wills, H&M, Zara, River Island and the list goes on...these are a few of my favorite shops. Oh man the shopping here is breathe taking. Durban has no clue about fashion, it's sad but it's so true. I feel like i'm living in heaven. The collection and variety of clothing is endless. Do yourself a favor 1. buy a ticket 2. shop shop shop & shop some more in London. I promise it won't do you any harm, well maybe your credit card but you can deal with that later.

I'm sorry i've taken so long to blog about London, but it has been a little crazy, there will be more to come about this gorgeous place. I would recommend you come and taste this lovely place yourself and find out what it feels like to walk everywhere, drink lots of coffee, eat delicous food, shop alot and just experience London life.

-kylie jane